Sunday, May 24, 2009

Use The Damn Tunnel

Funny thing about the Bay Area, if you drive from Oakland through the tunnel on Highway 24 (headed toward Walnut Creek) the weather generally gets warmer.

Well, we drove through the tunnel today and BINGO, fifteen degrees warmer and sunny.


Had a fantastic day climbing around on the giant boulders in Rock City. Climbed to the top of Sentinel rock and had a panoramic view of Mt. Diablo State Park and the surrounding area. Then we drove to the top of Mt. Diablo (3800-ish feet). On a clear day you can see all the way to Half-Dome (135 miles away), though not today.

Sweet day.

The kids had a ball clamoring around on big rocks, and mom and dad got a taste of the kind of fear that only a parent would understand. blood, no broken bones and not one single fall. No one even slipped. The kids seem to have a healthy sense of fear and a general concern for their own well-being (thank gawd!).

They both want to go back tomorrow and climb and hike and explore.


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