Monday, May 4, 2009

Ever Glad the Weekend is Over

Man, other than a few hours Saturday night spent in great conversation with a friend (you know who you are), this weekend was a house of horrors.

Locked inside (thank you rainy weather) with the kids, stuck running errands, everybody in the worst of moods. Lot's of temper trantrums and crying and whinning and arguing...ARGH...and the kids weren't so great either!

But, it's Monday (thank whomever) and the kids are at school (thank you Oakland Public Schools for watching my kid for free from 8:30 to 2:20) and I get to myself or at least with reasonable adults who have some level of self-control, right?

Oh, shit. Well, could it be worse than Sunday was? Hmm...yes. Yes, it could.

Okay, fingers crossed. I'm going in.

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